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Maximize your online presence and boost your brand's visibility with the highly efficient strategies offered by FrizeMedia. In today's digital world, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to succeed. With our expert #SocialMediaMarketing solutions, you can enhance your outreach and engage a wider audience.

Digital Marketer Business4

Our team at FrizeMedia understands the power of social media and its impact on businesses. Our AI tools can uncover deep insights about your audience, predict which types of content will resonate most, create posts and images automatically, detect consumer trends and understand sentiment, and much, much more. We utilize cutting-edge techniques in AI and innovative strategies to ensure that your brand stands out in the crowded digital landscape. By leveraging the right social media platforms and targeting the right audience, we can help you achieve your marketing goals.

Digital Marketing Proposal16
Digital Business Marketer13

But it doesn't stop there. We go beyond just social media marketing. Our comprehensive #Marketing solutions encompass various channels and tactics to maximize your brand's reach. From search engine optimization (SEO) to content marketing, we cover all aspects of digital marketing to ensure your brand gets the exposure it deserves.

Digital Marketer Business6

Did you know that advertising with FrizeMedia can significantly optimize your brand's visibility? Our advertising solutions are tailored to suit your specific needs and objectives. Whether you want to drive more traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, or generate leads, we have the expertise to deliver results. Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your brand to new heights. Read on for further details and discover how FrizeMedia can help you maximize your online presence and achieve your marketing goals.

Digital Marketer Business21

FrizeMedia: My name is Charles Friedo Frize and I am here to introduce you to my dynamic and engaging platform  to promote your business,  events and services. Social media is growing at an alarming rate and I am in the midst of this exciting medium. If you are a business and not engaged in social media, you are leaving your enterprise at a great disadvantage. 

Social Media
Social media is no longer just a trend, but a prevalent revolution that can essentially be harnessed for business. It has an absolute impact on sales and positive word of mouth. Word Of Mouth - Viralmarketing. Individuals share, read and by and large engage more with any type of content when it’s passed through acquaintances and folks they know and trust. The rush in social media usage is one that at best CANNOT be overlooked by any consumer-oriented business.

If you are business looking to reach an engaged audience, advertise your business with FrizeMedia. Send us a message and find out how we can help amplify your online presence

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The effect of Inbound marketing on Business is REAL Activities on social media as marketing platforms does not only get your company great and powerful brand exposure, it also generates leads, which turns into engagement that results in real customer acquisitions. Surveys shows 52% of Facebook fans are more likely to buy the brands they fan; and 79% of Twitter followers are more likely to recommend the brands they follow. Conversations in social media actively influence purchases.

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FrizeMedia Ghana
SEO SEM Digital Marketing
We Are Helping 1000 Businesses Amplify Their Presence Online

Get The Basics with Inbound Marketing
General consensus points to the fact that effectiveness of Inbound marketing for business is clear, yet the majority of business owners just don’t have the time and in most cases, the expertise to write and publish valuable content for customers; issue insightful articles, tweet, post to Facebook, circulate presentations, and press releases. Well thought out internet marketing makes any website very effective. Your business or products cannot be made known to the public without marketing. The only way to make your products and services known is to put them out using social media marketing and online marketing. Your website is a virtual storefront. With that in mind, much thought needs to be put into it so as to attract targeted customers and keep them coming back for more.

Aim To Build Trust, Credibility And Relevance in the eyes of your customers

The world wide web has fundamentally altered the way we find, discover, share, shop, and connect. It has provided us with a unique platform to engage, connect, and interact with potential customers, turning what used to be a controlled, one-way message into a real-time dialogue with millions. 78% of Internet users use the Internet to research products and services; though they end up buying at the shop, they  actually go online to find sellers and possibly compare prices.

Around 100 billion searches are conducted every month on Google alone, and the average Internet user now spends more time on social networks than all other ‘entertainment’ media put together. What makes this even more attention-grabbing is the fact that these users are already searching for what they want, and thus make a viable target audience for your business. “It no longer makes economic sense to send an advertising message to the many, in hopes of persuading the few.”

Digital Marketer Business15

Traditional advertising methods are quite disruptive and they vie for people’s attention by interrupting what they are actually interested in. This in turn becomes a predicament because present day audiences far and wide simply do not have time to be bored or ‘browbeaten’ by these orthodox, old-fashioned advertising. The truth be known: disruptive advertising tactics are increasingly ineffective, and will continue to, because today’s target audiences know what they want (or at least think they do anyway). What they don’t ‘need’, is you to continue trying to persuade them into buying a product or service they don’t, or feel they don’t need.

What Differentiates Me From Other Marketers I have a thirst for knowledge. With a passion to absorb as much information, to be knowledgeable on any topic, and my love for business, led me to create the most dynamic and engaging business platform anywhere online. I have been an internet marketer since the infancy of the world wide web. And like most marketers online, traffic to our business or blog is a lifeline. I was aware the days of big banner ads were drawing to a close. And pay per click to a degree was not delivering as it used to. I had a passion to build the most engaging and content rich platform.

A platform that would be helpful to visitors. That was my priority. This I knew would be a major asking and time consuming. By achieving my goal of building it, I would attain my target of motivating and empowering people through business and ecommerce. I am on a journey of enlightenment and AWARENESS. I have always been spiritual but my life was not governed by it. Embracing Metaphysics and Spirituality directed my life on a new path. A completely Holistic approach to everything I do which is calming, comforting and fulfilling.

FrizeMedia Ghana - SEO SEM 
Digital Marketing
We Are Helping 1000 Businesses Get Online

FrizeMedia Ghana

SEO SEM Digital Marketing 

We Are Helping 1000 Businesses Amplify Their Online Presence

I find myself inspired by a concept that enables a person to soar  to higher heights.  The notion of adding value to everything you do, when applied to specific areas of a person's life, can bring that person to be highly sought after by those receiving the added value. Applying this notion and have it focused particularly on business will take your enterprise to amazing heights of success. Another way of looking at this concept is in the idea of doing more than is expected, or doing more than that which you are  compensated to do.
When doing this a person will be "weighed" against others who do not. In comparison, the person who adds value to all  he/she does will be sought after to the degree that there will be keen competition for his/her service. 

As a person becomes more and more recognized for doing more than he/she is compensated to do, he/she will begin receiving  more and more compensation for their services.  And this is how I apply myself in my business. To build the best dynamic business platform there is. Not in monetary terms but in added value. Whats all that got to do with marketing I hear you say. Well, everything as a matter of fact. And if you think otherwise, you simply are missing the point.

Marketing is all about relationships. To build a relationship with your customers or people you hope to be, you will need to engage with them. If you believe as I do that the future of many businesses depends on their marketing reach online, then you will need to either build a platform that is engaging, or find one that is. I have done just that. And you will be able to advertise your business, events and promotions here. I have built 5 authority sites.

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What is an authority site? It is a very high quality website that is held in high esteem by knowledgeable individuals in its industry. It is a website that has content or information on it that is so helpful and makes the site so useful that folks are actually thrilled they landed on it and happy to share it with their friends. Authority sites like FrizeMedia's in particular are information based websites. The chief aim is to teach and inform website visitors. Anyone who builds an authority site has the capability to monetize the site, but it's not the primary focus. The focus on authority sites is delivering exactly what the visitor is expecting. Great, helpful and informative content.

Small Business Advice - Setting Up And Growing Your Enterprise

Small Business Advice - Setting Up And Growing Your Enterprise

These type of sites are mainly centered around one core topic that is typically very focused and very detailed. I cover many topics thoroughly, and my goal is to become the single most useful source of information People can find. When you have great content that people need and love, there is a tendency to share. And that is social media marketing and engaging your audience. When you have their attention, it means they are willing to listen to what you have to say. FrizeMedia websites that you can promote your business on are ranked number 1 for having the most engaging audience.

The Best And Top 
Digital Marketing And SEO Services In Ghana

FrizeMedia Ghana SEO SEM Digital Marketing Proposal

The Best And Top Digital Marketing And SEO Services In Ghana

What Are The Metrics For Evaluating Initial Engagement online

Visitor Loyalty: direct or bookmarked site visits (as opposed to visits from search engines or ads) In my case only 2% of my traffic comes from search engines. I drive my own traffic from social media and do not rely on search engines. And by word of mouth, thus, viralmarketing.

Content Shares: pages, stories, videos shared to social networks or emails. My pages are shared and bookmarked more than any site. To make a point, the stats are based on unique visitors. Unique visitors are first time visitors to a site or page. Its great to have returning visitors to your site. But your true worth in salt is measured by unique visitors. And more importantly, retaining them.

In analytics tools, the main measures for initial engagement with a site are:

1. Bounce rate. The percentage of visitors who leave immediately after viewing only one page. A high number denotes a lot of people not staying on the page. It means people get on the page, take a quick look and then leave. It also means whatever they are looking for, that page is not delivering it. The best websites have bounce rate of about 42% to 67%. It simply means that percentage of people leave after looking at a page. My site is between 12% and 17%. Obviously it fluctuates daily. My figures are exceptional.

2. Duration or dwell time. measured as Average Time on Page or Average time on site. Obviously a high bounce rate equates to shorter time on a page or site. The best websites again average about 3 to 5 minutes. My dynamic site outperforms every website and produces an outstanding 47 minutes per unique visitor.

3. Pages per visit. Pages viewed divided by the number of visits.
Again the best websites manage about 3 to 5 pages per unique visitor. My authority site excels once again and rakes in a whopping 20 to 40 page views per unique visitor.

There are many tools for analytics. They all point to similar results. Now that you know what the numbers mean, brace yourself and feast your eyes on my jaw dropping stats. As an acid test, copy and paste your favorite Url into Alexa analytics to see how it compares. For any business involved in pay per click or other type of marketing online, perform a similar test. See how your hard earned money is working. Here is the link to my stats and it does open in a new window. When you finish and close that window, you will be right back here.

Auto Lease And Car Leasing Tips #FrizeMedia

Auto Lease And Car Leasing Tips

If you operate a food and drink business,you might want to take a look at our great content and how much our pages are shared by the thousands of our discerning visitors who find us every single day.

Browse On Our Food And Drink Pages And Notice How Often Our Great Content Is Shared.Your Business Will Benefit

Business Marketing

We have some of the best topics on business marketing anywhere online. I am the only entrepreneur and marketing expert that i know of who does not use affiliates or pay pay click to get the word out.

Business Marketing Strategies

Jobs And Career If you are a job recruiter we have the targeted audience reading our helpful tips and guide how to land that perfect job. Advertise your business with us to reap massive benefits of your business being showcased on all of social media.Take a look at some of our pages.

Career Planning And Job Search

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Real estate agents, auction houses, and individuals hoping to sell their homes and property will benefit by greatly by advertising with and tapping into our rich source of targeted audience.

Take a look at some of the topics that we cover.

Homes For Sale - Renting -Home Services

Health Provider

As a health provider looking to advertise your business and service, we provide a compelling platform for you reach an audience looking for unbiased information regarding heath issues.

We see our advertisers as partners. We drive targeted audience to our pages every single day, thereby your brand and services making an impact in the minds of our discerning visitors looking for relief.

Browse some of our health pages

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Our Travel Site Also Boasts Great Content.

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And Please Note How Much Our Great Content Is Shared On Social Media

Dating And Relationships Home Page



Alpha Male

Dealing With Loneliness

Body Language

Law Of Attraction Relationships

Narcissistic Relationship

My guiding principle is clear cut, to execute local advantages with a worldwide delivery brand. To foster exciting business benefits for clients on every occasion and expand briskly building on those strengths. I am clear in my vision of building a company, to be globally respected, and my small but truly focused team and I are not engaged in activities which are not core competence of the business.

Ideals for our business Effective management pledge and uniform effort ensures that these principles translate into work practices each day. We are committed, dedicated, have a strong believe in integrity, and show transparency in all our transactions with our clients. In turn, each project and each client, warrants our best attention and complete assurance.

FrizeMedia Ghana - SEO SEM 
Digital Marketing
We Are Helping 1000 Businesses Get Online

FrizeMedia Ghana

SEO SEM Digital Marketing 

We Are Helping 1000 Businesses Amplify Their Online Presence

Character for our business We take significant pride in our approach which is very professional, certain, creative and energetic. Our commitment goes further than the subsequent client payment date. We take a holistic and win-win perception of our clients' and our own business. It's in our interest to see our clients succeed. Because when we help them win, it's a shared value.

Talent and expertise in our business What we bring on board is expertise in our area of promoting brands and awareness. That capability helps us contribute quicker and efficiently, on behalf of our clients, who in turn obtain significant business benefits from our association. We encourage a culture of challenging the status quo and develop innovative ways of implementing ideas in solving day-to-day issues.

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