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Home Improvements

Tips And Advice In Planning For Upgrades

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Home Improvements - FrizeMedia

Home Improvements: When considering home improvements or an upgrade, it is important to ask family members for their opinions. So, how do you evaluate the answers?
Typical Discoveries Talking with family members about home improvements will lead to surprising answers. If you happen to be a couple, you each have times you need to be alone (computer work, business planning), and times you need to be alone together (initial discussions about family plans, a new job, the budget, travel, etc.). This varies by age of course, and if you happen to have a family, children have similar needs for being alone, alone with friends and with the family. There are times when you will decide the children need your supervision no matter what their preferences.

Decisions After discussions and interviews with family members, you are ready to map out a plan for how the various areas of the house are to be used. Do the initial plan and then discuss it with your partner. Don’t discuss it with the children until the two of you are pretty much in agreement. Obviously, tastes are specific to individual people.

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You and your partner must come to an agreement based on the following considerations:

1. Theme – Are you going with a particular atmosphere or style?

2. Costs – What do you want to do versus what can you afford?

3. Value – How much will the improvements impact the value of your home?

Home Improvements - FrizeMedia

Once you’ve hashed through these issues, you’ll be ready to move forward with your plans. Then it’s time for the two of you to go over it with the children. Children obviously can have some outlandish ideas about what would look “cool” in a home. While you may balk at such suggestions, it is important to include your kids in the process.

A happy medium can be allowing children a lot of latitude when it comes to their rooms. In reality, their rooms are “homes within homes” and they feel comfortably in them. Don’t worry, you can paint them after the kids leave home or before you sell it. Planning home improvements can be a bit bewildering. Make sure to include your family in the discussion so you get a result everyone feels good about.

Home Improvements - FrizeMedia - Charles Friedo Frize

Home Improvements Questions And Answers Home decorating is one of the keys to making the most out of a home. Do it right and you can turn a pedestrian home into a castle. Really good interior designers interview family members prior to making a plan and recommendations for changes in a home’s interior design and decoration. 

You and your family can benefit if you take the same approach when you’re in a do it yourself mode. It doesn’t matter whether you are moving to a new home and have a big project or are just freshening up one room. 
Family interviews are the place to start.

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What Activities Need to be Accommodated? Large project or small, begin by figuring out how your family is going to use the space. Let’s assume we’re talking about a whole house. Meet with each family member and ask them how they feel about an array of things. Don’t forget to answer for yourself, too. Consider the following issues with family members: 

  • 1. Will reading be a popular activity? 

  • 2. TV and movie viewing? 

  • 3. Playing electronic games? 

  • 4. Computer use for homework or business? 

  • 5. Sleepovers for the younger generation? 

  • 6. Sewing?  

  • 7. Furniture refinishing?

  • 8. Carpentry and wood working projects? 

  • 9. Dinner parties? 

  • 10. Painting
  • 11. Will the activities be done by someone alone or will a group be involved? 

  • 12. Do you or your partner need to be nearby to oversee the activity? 

13. Is having it occur within view of (or out of site of) something else important? Obviously, there are going to be unique questions per the circumstances of your family. If you make a list and ask appropriate questions, the improvements on your home will lead to happy family living.

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