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 Thought Leadership

Are You A Boss Or A Leader?

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#ThoughtLeadership - Are You A Boss Or A Leader #Influence #FrizeMedia

 Thought Leadership - Unity Is Strength

Thought leadership: Every individual who leads is a boss. But not every boss is a leader leader.This is what really defines the difference between a leader and a boss. The greatest difference between a boss and a leader is one. The boss is respected and obeyed because of his/her position or seniority. A leader is respected and looked up to as a example not only because of position but mainly because of the qualities of character and ability. Those who aspire to become leaders must lead by example. The team must always have a firm belief that the leader will be there during every crisis. Not to fix the blame, but fix the problem.

If the team members find that the leader does not follow what he/she preaches, they will have no respect for him/her. They may obey him/her, but the respect will be missing. Leaders gain this respect by their actions.
They look and act sincerely. There is no disparity between their words and actions. They look integral in approach and character.

Thought Leadership - Transpersonal Psychology

To be a leader, every boss must display characteristics such as knowledge, planning, anticipation, foresight, action, result oriented approach, perspective, respect every team member, earn their respect, act as a friend and act as a mentor. This is quite a list, but if you want to become a good leader you need these qualities. This is true not only for national leaders but for persons in every leadership position in any organization. Once a person earns the respect of his /her team members he/she ceases to be only a boss and transforms into a leader.

Thought Leadership - Soul

Is Leadership For You? Leadership is something that is fundamentally part of a society. It is necessary in any good society that someone stands up and takes charge. Leadership is essential, we know that, but does that mean everyone out there is a leader? The fact of the matter is that some individuals are not made to be leaders. They are followers.

And just as important in society as leaders are followers. So, where do you lie? Are you going to play leadership roles within your life? For many people, the instincts to take those leadership roles just comes to them.

Thought Leadership - Bruce Lee

It is just something that happens. They step up to the plate when needed. They respond first in class. They take charge of the baseball game on the playground. They step up to the plate on the job.

While you can not be first in every case, individuals that have leadership skills will often be seen and heard throughout their lives. But, not all leaders are born with this talent. Many of them must learn it. People with an ambition to be a leader can do so by taking classes and studying the necessary skills that it takes to be a leader.

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While all of this may sound simple, it can be quite a task to learn. It is hard to teach a person to react in a situation that is not planned well. Because leaders are determined by their actions, we often see that leadership roles are filled with individuals who put themselves out there to be chosen, so to speak. 

But, this is not always the case. In many cases of emergency, leaders are those that take charge long before anyone else reacts. In that, these individuals will have a cool head about themselves and be able to see the necessary work ahead while others are worrying, panicking or simply in shock. These are probably the true leaders in our society.

#ThoughtLeadership - Are You A Boss Or A Leader #Influence #FrizeMedia

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